15 to 20 strands of saffron mixed in 1 tbsp hot water or milk
1 tbsp pistachio flakes
1 tsp. Almond flakes.
Silver leaf for garnishing (optional)
Rose petals for garnishing (optional)
A pinch of salt
Add 1 cup of water in Rice flour and make a paste of this
Boil milk in a thick bottomed pan. Once it reaches boiling point add rice paste slowly. Stir all nicely.
Cook on a low heat and simmer until rice paste cooks. The milk would start thickening.
Keep stirring continuously else chances are rice may get stuck at the bottom.
Add saffron mixture into the boiling milk mixture.
Time to add powdered sugar and salt. Stir all nicely for 2 to 3 mins.
Turn off heat. Phirni is ready and pour over the serving bowls. Allow them to set in the fridge. Garnish with almond, pistachio flakes and rose petals. You could also use silver leaf to decorate.
Serve phirun chilled. It will get more thicker as it cools down.
Notes : Make phirun on low heat else it might burn at the bottom.
Avarage Rating:(5.0)
Total Reviews:(1)
Payal Agarwal
Thanks Reena for Sharing recipe.
Tried & turned out very good. Easy to follow